Nagasawa Kobe Ink No.80 Rokko Primula Pink
Nagasawa Kobe Ink No.80 Rokko Primula Pink. Kurinso (Japanese Primrose) flowers are spaced at intervals along upright stems, rising above basal rosettes of lettuce-like bright green leaves. The beautiful flowers bring to mind the image of a Buddhist stupa. In mid-May, Kurinso flowers reach full bloom around the city, providing a gorgeous summer landscape that is favored by the locals. You can enjoy the exquisite pink of these Kurinso when writing with Rokko Primula Pink ink.
Nagasawa is based in Kobe, Japan, and was founded in 1882. The colors of Kobe Ink originate from the vibrant views found around the beautiful city of Kobe, capturing its regional characteristics, aspects, and environments. Use Kobe Ink to evoke happy feelings and the magical qualities of Kobe when writing letters to friends.